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Case Study

Bayle Carreau

A prestigious Bordeaux wine merchant with 170 years history

Project Scopes:

WeChat Marketing Strategy
Strategic Consulting
Content Marketing

WeChat e-commerce
Red Marketing

Glass of Red Wine


Since its inception in 1852, Bayle Carreau, a prestigious wine producer from the heart of Bordeaux, France, has garnered international acclaim. Renowned for its meticulous craftsmanship and a lineage that spans six generations, the true distinction lies in its extensive global sales network. Complementing its global presence, Bayle Carreau consistently captures the industry's attention, having been honored with multiple prestigious awards

In 2021, our client encountered a pivotal challenge in their market expansion journey. As a business that had traditionally relied heavily on offline trade shows to cultivate clients in the Chinese market, they recognized the immense potential of the online landscape but were met with a significant knowledge gap. Having historically established a solid customer base through in-person exhibitions, they found themselves ill-equipped to navigate the digital realm. Eager to harness the opportunities presented by online markets while preserving their brand's market impact, they reached out to us. The challenge was clear: to swiftly develop a comprehensive digital marketing ecosystem from scratch, integrating brand communication, customer engagement, and sales channels seamlessly. They entrusted us with devising an all-in-one online market solution to successfully transition and thrive in this new frontier.


In response to our client's pressing needs, we meticulously crafted a cutting-edge, all-encompassing market solution leveraging current trends to seamlessly integrate brand exposure, marketing, and sales. Here's the detailed approach:

  • Market Insights & Strategy Formulation: We initiated the process with a kick-off meeting involving key project stakeholders and hosted a comprehensive workshop on China's digital landscape. These sessions allowed us to provide our client with a deep dive into the Chinese market dynamics, identifying target demographics, and outlining a tailored marketing strategy grounded in data analysis, competitor research, and consumer insights.

  • WeChat Ecosystem Establishment: Given WeChat's dominance in China, we focused on building a comprehensive ecosystem within the platform, facilitating brand localization and direct marketing to sales. This entailed the creation and optimization of an official WeChat account for storytelling and product updates, complemented by a Mini Program for seamless shopping. By deploying group marketing, and well-crafted posts, we aimed to boost brand awareness, foster user loyalty, and drive conversions.

  • Full-Spectrum Online Presence: Expanding beyond WeChat, we strategized to tap into platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, creating a multi-channel online presence. Collaborations with influencers, content marketing campaigns, and engaging video challenges were integral to this strategy, broadening reach, enhancing engagement, and directing high-quality traffic to e-commerce channels.

  • Offline Event Integration:Recognizing the value of physical interactions for trust-building and conversion, we also scheduled a series of premium offline events. These included tasting events, themed exhibitions, and exclusive meetups for VIP clients. These gatherings not only amplified brand perception but also facilitated immediate sales and provided invaluable feedback for refining future marketing strategies.

In summary, our strategy fused online and offline tactics, capitalizing on a multi-platform approach to swiftly elevate our client's profile in the Chinese market, significantly boosting sales, and effectively guiding their digital transformation and expansion efforts.


Within a mere six-month timeframe and without resorting to external advertisements, our WeChat content marketing strategy singularly amassed a following of 500 followers for the client. Remarkably, select articles from our content arsenal drove the successful sale of 20 crates of wine, demonstrating the substantial impact and conversion efficacy of our targeted content strategies.


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